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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Homemade Acne Treatments - Baking Soda Will Cure Your Acne

Homemade acne treatments are plentiful but those that use baking soda are among the best. Acne home remedies that use baking soda are extremely effective and best of all No Side Effects!

Another big advantage is that it's so doggone cheap!

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I don't think you could ask more from homemade acne treatments than being extremely effective, no side effects and cheap.

If you've tried every over the counter treatment there is without results you owe it to yourself to give baking soda a try.

Homemade Acne Treatments

Before you apply baking soda you need to thoroughly wash your face with a mild natural soap. Soap without strong chemicals or perfume.

Do not scrub your face or rub very hard. Hard scrubbing will irritate your skin before applying the baking soda. Lightly pat your face dry with a towel.

Place a couple of tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl and add enough water to form a paste. You don't want a paste that is to soupy or to thick. It should be just thick enough to stick to your face.

Now you're ready to apply it. Place some of the paste to the affected area and gently massage in a circular motion for about 10 to 15 seconds.

If your skin is not sensitive you can then leave it on until it dries. If you do have sensitive skin it's best to remove it after the 15 seconds. Some experimenting will let you know what to do that's best for you.

Now rinse your face off thoroughly with warm water. Pat your face dry with an absorbent towel.

You might notice a little stinging sensation while the baking soda is on your face. You might also have some slight redness after rinsing but after a few minutes that should go away and allow your skin to glow.

You can also expect sensitivity to sunlight. So the baking soda for acne treatment is best as a nighttime routine.

It's also a good idea to apply a moisturizer suitable for you skin type and sleep with it on overnight and wash it off next morning.

More Homemade Acne Treatments

You should start seeing some results from your baking soda acne treatment right away but it might take 7 to 10 days of treatment.

After a month you should see a remarkable improvement.

I would like to say however, that we are all different. There are also many reasons for acne. So the possibility exists that this might be the best acne treatment for you.

There are many effective home remedies for acne and if you don't see any improvement in your condition in a week or so it might be time to try some of the other homemade acne treatments.

Homemade Acne Treatments - Baking Soda Will Cure Your Acne

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