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Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby

If you've found this article, it makes sense to assume that you're trying to conceive a male baby and you suspect (rightly so) that there are things that you can do to greatly increase your odds of having success with this.  In the following article, I will tell you three steps that can raise your odds of getting pregnant with a boy to one as high as over 90%.

It's All About Getting The Y Sperm Chromosome To Fertilize The Egg First: Natural gender selection really comes down to one thing - which sperm chromosome (X or Y) gets to and fertilizes your waiting, healthy egg first.  If the Y is the victor, you'll have a boy.  The same is true if the X edges out the Y. 

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But, nature has upped the odds by giving these guys very different characteristics.  The boy sperm are much faster than the girls, but are also much weaker. So, each chromosome has an advantage and a weakness that you can exploit to get the gender that you want.  Since you want a boy, you'll need to maximize the Y's speed while downplaying it's weakness.

The Timing That Gives The Y Guys The Advantage: Remember that the boy sperm can't live for very long because of their weakness. So, you'll want to conceive on the day that you ovulate (or the day after, at the very latest) so that these weak fellows don't have to sit, weakening by the hour, waiting for your egg.  If you are even a day early, many of the Y's will have already weakened of died off.

Obviously, it's so important to know when you ovulate.  You must know this with razor sharp accuracy.  Don't make the common mistake of just guesstimating half way through your menstrual cycle or trying to interpret arbitrary temperature or cervical mucus. Use a method that gives you a concrete yes / no answer.  I like ovulation predictors for this.  And, I particularly like the saliva predictors because they are cheaper in the long run, reusable, and extremely accurate.  Plus, you aren't limited to only early in the morning or first morning urine.

The Sexual Positions That Favor The Y Or Baby Boy Producing Sperm: Again, we are trying to downplay the fact that the boy sperm can't live for a very long time.  Another way to do this is to use deep sexual penetration positions that place the sperm right where it needs to be so that it doesn't have a long, hostile trip.  Examples are rear entry positions or seated female dominant.

Why You Probably Need To Lower Your Acidity And PH If You're Trying To Get Pregnant With A Boy Baby: The final piece of this puzzle is manipulating your acidity and PH.  The reason for this is that the boy sperm will quickly be quite compromised in a highly acidic vagina.  You can find out just how acidic yours really is by testing with PH test strips that you can get at a health food store.  It should then be pretty obvious if you are naturally alkaline or acidic. 

To conceive a boy, you will need a pretty low PH or alkaline vagina.  You can achieve this in a few ways. The first is to load your diet with alkaline foods and to omit acidic foods.  I know this probably doesn't sound too appetizing, but you're not restricting your calories, only your acidic foods.  And, you only need to do it until you reach your optimal alkaline reading.  There are food list to help with this.

The other way to alkalize your body is to douche.  I'm not typically taking baking soda and water unless you are already extremely alkaline already.  Which solution you use is going to depend on the reading you are getting with the strips.  Again, there are recipes that make this pretty painless and you can keep right on testing so that you know when to stop.

 I realize that many women think that douching is old fashioned, but again you only need to do this until you reach the correct level.  (And, frankly, it you use both the food and the douching methods, you'll likely get the results you need much more quickly so that you don't have to do either for very long.)

The most important thing to remember when getting pregnant with a boy baby is using all of these things to give the Y guys their best chance.  You need to weed out the X sperm so that everything in your vaginal tract is Y - so that the only possible outcome is a son.  And, the best way to do this is to make sure you address all of these things.  Omitting even one would likely let some X's slip through, which is exactly what you don't want.

How to Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby Outdoor Holiday Decor

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